Brachioplasty (Arm Lifting) Our Treatment


Brachioplasty operations are generally preferred to eliminate skin deformations that occur as a result of very rapid weight loss. Making sport is a very important supporting factor in this process. 

How is Brachioplasty Performed?

The technique to be applied will be determined based on the individual's personal conditions. The arm skin of individuals who constantly gain and lose weight tends to thicken. In such cases, the operation is performed using the liposuction method. 

These operations are one-time and permanent. However, if individuals continue to constantly gain and lose weighty, it will be inevitable that the skin will deform again. 

Recovery Process after Brachioplasty Operation

Depending on the individual's personal condition, the operation takes 1 to 3 hours. You are expected to be kept under observation for 1 day after the operation. In the next period, using arm corsets for about 6 weeks will accelerate your healing process. 

It is normal for temporary edema and bruises to occur after the operation. Taking a rest for 1 week after the operation will be enough to return to your daily routine

If you would like detailed information about brachioplasty operation, do not hesitate to contact us. 

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