Hip Aesthetics Our Treatment
Hip aesthetics is a procedure that is generally preferred by women. It is aimed to eliminate the deformations that occur due to genetic reasons or aging and to achieve the appearance desired by the patient.
How is Hip Aesthetics Performed?
There are many alternative methods for hip aesthetics. Liposuction, prosthesis, hip stretching / lifting and fat injection are the most preferred methods. The most appropriate method for you shall be chosen and applied based on the result of your doctor's examination and on the appearance you desire.
Since the operation takes place under the skin, there is no need to remove the sutures after healing.
You can return to your daily routine approximately 5 days after the operation. In addition, using a corset for 3 weeks after the operation will speed up your healing process.
Things You Should Pay Attention Before and After Hip Aesthetics
Following the advice of your doctor after the operation will allow you to overcome this process in the best way. It is a general recommendation not to come into contact with water in the first 2 days.
If the prosthesis has been used during the operation, it is recommended you move carefully and slowly. You can perform light exercises from the 3rd week and all your normal activities from the 6th week without any problems.