Sapphire Percutaneous Technique Our Treatment


Sapphire Percutaneous Technique, which is frequently mentioned although it is a technique that has just started to be used, offers an effective and natural solution to hair loss.

Sapphire Percutaneous Technique is used not only in hair transplant, but also to restore their old look of eyebrows, mustaches and beards that have lost their form. The fact that individuals do not feel pain during the procedure is one of the primary reasons for choosing this method. 

In this technique, which is performed using  tools with special sapphire needles, the hair to be transplanted is generally taken from the nape of the individuals. 

During the application of this technique, healthy hair follicles are not damaged, transplantation is made into micro-scale channels. Since micro-scale canals are made, large incisions / wounds do not occur and the healing process is fast. Another advantage of micro-scale canals is that more follicles can be placed in the area to be treated, and therefore, more visible hair is achieved. 


This method, which is performed with the transfer of healthy hair tissue and follicles, enables the transfer of much more tissue and follicles (graft) compared to other methods. The amount transferred is between 3000 - 4500 grafts on average. Average values show that the process is completed in 1 session; but multiple sessions can be applied if needed. 

In order to apply this technique, the experts need to evaluate the  condition of your hair;  thus the treatment method and duration specific to your condition can be determined. If you have any different health issue, you are recommended not to have any procedure without consulting your doctor. 

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